How do I subscribe to Clue Plus?

If you’ve already got a Clue account, subscribing to Clue Plus is easy. Follow these steps:

  1. Open your Clue app.
  2. Go to the More Menu in the top-right corner of the Cycle View.
  3. Tap ‘Get Clue Plus’, below your profile name.
  4. Choose your plan (either monthly or yearly).
  5. Tap ‘Subscribe’.
  6. Confirm your subscription with the Apple App Store or Android Play Store.
  7. Once the subscription is confirmed, you’re all set to start using Clue Plus.

If you don’t have a Clue account yet, follow the instructions here and you will be able to sign up to Clue Plus as you go through the steps.

If you would like to subscribe directly with us and benefit from our seasonal offers, simply follow these steps.

Find out more about what you get with Clue Plus in this article.

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