What reminders are available in the Clue app?

The Clue app has several reminders available. Reminders are designed to help you stay more organized and ready for what’s to come at different stages of your cycle.

All of our reminders can be customized to your preferences. You can set the schedule, sending time, and personalize your own message.

The different reminders are:

  • Period starting soon. Get a reminder several days before your period is due to start, so you can be prepared.

  • Period due. Get a reminder on the day your period is predicted to start.

  • Period late. Get a reminder when your period is later than usual, so you’re aware of what’s happening in your cycle.

  • Fertile window soon. Get a reminder several days before your fertile window is estimated to begin, so you can plan accordingly. This reminder is part of Clue Plus.

  • Minipill reminder. Get a reminder when it’s time to take your birth control pill.

  • Tracking reminder. Get a reminder either daily, weekly, fortnightly, or monthly to check in on how you’re feeling and track anything in Clue.

  • Daily check-in reminder. Get reminded to track your feelings to get better insights.

To set up your reminders, follow the steps here.

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