To request a refund for a Clue Plus subscription, follow the instructions related to your device:
Apple App Store for iOS
Because of Apple’s Terms of Service, Clue is unable to assist with refund requests. You will need to request a refund directly through their service. To do this, follow the steps in this article.
Google Play Store for Android
To request a refund from the Google Play Store directly, read here for your different options.
You can also contact Clue to request a refund if you have an Android device. To do this, follow these steps:
- Open your Clue app.
- Go to the More Menu in the top-right corner of the Cycle View.
- Tap ‘Support’.
- Tap ‘Clue Plus’.
- Tap ‘Contact us’ at the bottom of the page.
- Fill out the form. Please include the reason for refund, and your Clue Plus transaction ID. You’ll find the ID in your purchase confirmation email from the Play Store, or in the ‘Other purchase activity’ tab at
- We’ll get back to you about your refund request.
If your refund is approved, be aware that refunds can take some days to be processed depending on your bank.
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