Come posso attivare la funzionalità gravidanza?

If you are already using the Clue app and would like to switch to Clue Pregnancy mode, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Clue app.
  2. Go to the More Menu in the top-right corner of the Cycle View.
  3. Tap ‘Mode: [your current mode]’.
  4. Switch to ‘Clue Pregnancy’ using the mode selector.
  5. Tap ‘OK’.
  6. Follow the instructions to start your subscription (if you’re not already with Clue Plus), and confirm your estimated due date.
  7. You will now be ready to use Clue Pregnancy mode.

If you’re new to Clue and would like to use Clue Pregnancy, you can follow the steps to create an account here


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