What is shown in the Analysis Tab?

What you see in the Analysis Tab depends on whether you were using Clue Period Tracking before using Clue Pregnancy mode.

If you used Clue Period Tracking prior to using Clue Pregnancy, then you will see your typical cycle statistics and your cycle history from before you became pregnant. This won’t be updated while you’re in Clue Pregnancy mode. As soon as you go back to Clue Period Tracking mode, or you track your period while in Clue Postpartum, your calculations will be resumed automatically.

If you didn’t use Clue Period Tracking before using Clue Pregnancy mode, then the Analysis Tab will be empty for now. Once you switch to Clue Period Tracking or Clue Postpartum mode and start tracking your menstrual cycles, then analysis of your periods and completed cycles will start showing.If you still have questions about the Analysis Tab when in Clue Pregnancy mode, feel free to contact our Support Team.

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