What are the benefits of tracking when you don’t have a period?

Even without menstrual bleeding, hormonal cycles can still have significant physical and mental impacts. Clue Tracking is designed for people who don’t experience bleeding but still have a hormonal cycle, providing a way to track these changes and impacts. By consistently logging your experiences, you gain deeper insights into your body’s rhythms, anticipate changes, and better understand how hormonal fluctuations affect you. This tracking also empowers you to communicate more effectively with healthcare providers, supporting a more proactive approach to your health. 


Here’s what you can track with Clue Tracking:

Cycle Start Tags BBT IUD
Spotting Mind Exercise Birth control shot
Feelings Social life Meditation Birth control implant
Pain Cravings Leisure Birth control patch
Sleep-quality Discharge Partying Birth control ring
Sleep Skin Tests Supplements
Sex life Hair Appointments Breasts & chest
Energy Weight Medications Urine
PMS Digestion Ailments Hot flashes
Daily note Stool Birth control pill Vulva & vagina



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