How do I get PMS predictions?

To get PMS predictions you need to track PMS in your Clue app. Your tracked PMS, as well as your PMS predictions, will then appear as cloud icons in your Cycle View and Calendar View.

If they do not appear and you'd like to see them, all you need to do is add PMS data to your past cycles. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Clue app.
  2. Go to the Calendar View.
  3. Find a day you experienced PMS in a past cycle and double tap the date to open tracking.
  4. Scroll down and find the ‘PMS’ category.
  5. Select ‘PMS’.
  6. If you’d like to track several days of PMS, use the calendar strip at the top of the screen to change dates. Follow the previous step again. 
  7. Tap ‘Save’ to save what you’ve tracked.

You should now see the PMS cloud icons in your Cycle View and Calendar View. Since Clue bases predictions on the data you enter, you’ll need to continue tracking PMS to continue to get accurate predictions. 

Find out more about tracking PMS in this article.




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Do I need to track every day?


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