You can request a copy of your tracked data to be sent to the email address associated with your Clue account.
To receive your Clue data file, follow these steps:
- Open your Clue app.
- Go to the More Menu, the ‘=’ in the top-right corner of your Cycle View.
- Tap ‘Settings’.
- Tap ‘Download my data.’
- Tap ‘Request data’.
- You should now see a screen that displays a unique password that you'll need to download your data file.
- Tap the icon at the right side of the password, so you can copy it. You may want to send this password to yourself via email, so you can open the file directly on a computer.
- Now open the email from Clue that was just sent to your Clue email address. This includes a link to download your data file, which expires after 72 hours.
- Tap ‘Download data’.
- Now you can save your data file in your preferred destination.
Enter the password that you copied in step #7 to extract the data from the .zip folder.
Your data file will be sent in JSON format and includes your tracked data and your Clue app settings.
For other data request queries, you can contact us through our contact form.