Hvordan parrer jeg min Oura-ring med Clue?

Once you have a Clue account and have purchased your Oura Ring, you’ll be ready to set up the integration.

To pair your Oura Ring with Clue, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Clue app.
  2. Go to the More Menu, the ‘=’ in the top-right corner of your Cycle View.
  3. Tap ‘Settings’.
  4. Tap ‘Oura Ring’.
  5. If you don’t have Clue Plus, scroll down and tap ‘Get Clue Plus’ to subscribe. You’ll need an active subscription to use the feature.
  6. Once you’re subscribed, tap ‘Pair Oura Ring’.
  7. You’ll then be asked to sign in to your Oura account, and to confirm you’d like to share your Oura data with Clue.
  8. After permissions are granted, your Oura Ring will now be paired with Clue.
  9. View your Oura temperature trend charts in the Analysis Tab. Remember, only your Oura data measured from today onwards will be synced.

If you’d like to unpair your Oura Ring with Clue, you can do this any time. Just open your Clue app > Go to the More Menu > Tap ‘Settings’ > Tap ‘Oura Ring’ > and tap ‘Disconnect Oura Ring’. Once it’s disconnected, your Oura data will no longer sync with or be shown in the Clue app.

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